Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Bobby's Girls in Glamour

This month's Glamour magazine features an interview with RFK's daughters and granddaughters. It show what an impact RFK had on their lives and what they are doing to continue his work.


Anonymous said...

What a great find again! Thanks Susan. I love your blog with all the interesting links. Have all the new books on order now!

lostnacfgop said...

you know, the idea behind this article would make a great book, it could even carry the double entendre title "RFK's Women" so it would sell a few copies to unsuspecting Faux News Devotees (I mean, hey if a rightwing skank like Laura Ingrhaman can usurp the title of "Power to the People" for her latest uber conservative rant, why not?); but I digress.

Each of these women's stories ought to be told what they are accomplishing in carrying out RFK's legacy, and how his work and memory inspires them to do so.

Unknown said...

That's hilarious lost... It would probably work :)