Thursday, March 27, 2008

News articles, March 27, 2008

Harry Benson is a Scottish photographer who was at the Ambassador hotel on June 5, 1998.

Harry Benson, a life in pictures


A new book about RFK's campaign for President in Indiana in 1968. will be released in April. It will be calledRobert F. Kennedy and the 1968 Indiana Primary by Ray E. Boomhower.

RFK's Indiana blitz

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So there's going to be a new book on RFK's last campaign; I wonder what it will be like and if there will be anything new in it. For me Jules Witcover's "85 Days" will always remain a treasured and definitive book on that campaign. In fact, acting on an impulse, 5 years ago I wrote Jules Witcover, who at the time was still a columnist for The Baltimore Sun, a letter to thank him for the book. To my surprise I received a nice, hand-written letter back from him. He expressed his appreciation for me writing about "85 Days" after all those years and that he shared my special feeling about Robert Kennedy. He said that he found all across the USA a whole generation of Americans who related their aspirations for the future to RFK's ideals. He added that in light of what was happening in the US under GWB, he could only wonder what RFK would be saying and doing if he were still around.